Food for Thought

  • First New Moon 2023 * Intuitive Reading *
    First New Moon 2023 * Intuitive Reading *

    De Carmen Seijas

    *English and Español *  A wound cannot be healed if we continue to open it. The New Moon restarts the lunar cycle each month, it is the end and the...
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  • El Sueño
    El Sueño

    De Carmen Seijas

    **Vamos a situar la acción dejando claro que no soy la persona mas valiente o intrépida con la que te hayas encontrado. Una noche de verano en Collserola fuimos de excursión por el bosque buscando un sitio en el que poder acampar. El bosque es muy diferente a Galicia, la tierra está seca y arcillosa, los arboles también parecían estar secos y quebradizos, eran muy bajos, daba la impresión de que podías asomar la cabeza por encima de las copas.
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  • *Fe en el caos / Faith in Chaos *
    *Fe en el caos / Faith in Chaos *

    De Carmen Seijas

    “Tu visión solo se volverá clara cuando puedas mirar en tu corazón. El que mira hacia fuera sueña y el que mira hacia dentro despierta”― Cart GustavJung En los momentos...
  • The Paradox of Productivity against Creativity. 2
    The Paradox of Productivity against Creativity. 2

    De Carmen Seijas

    About seven or eight years ago, I was interviewed by a friend for a magazine. We met at my house to have a tea and chat for three or four hours while our conversation was recorded.  I don't know with what divine patience she managed to make sense to my three-hour rambling, she decided to lead the interview with this iconic quote from Walt Whitman. Months later, when I read the interview, I realised how much she really knew me, because I had never felt so seen in a few words.
  • The paradox of productivity against creativity
    The paradox of productivity against creativity

    De Carmen Seijas

    I used to be a workaholic, it was something I was very proud of. I defended and justified my addiction daily.Over time I realized how wrong I was to reduce my self worth to my expectations on my productive capacities, I reached a point where my love for creation and the healing qualities it had for me all my life disappeared and they were replaced by heaviness, apathy and rejection.
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